An Update (finally)

So after everything finally wound down (I was able to cope a little bit better with everything), Maya has really made me rethink everything that I thought about her. We brought her upstairs the day after getting her home from the vets which was a relif in and of itself, and she’s been up there since (we had to block the top of the stairs off with an old chest). When I picked her up I was definatly expecting a worse wound than what she had. It was an incision about the width of her leg and it was hidden under her body. She even walked out to the truck (with help of course). After about 3 days she was walking on her own and went out side maybe 5 days post surgery. Once she went out, it has been almost impossible to slow her down. I am just so happy that she is back to normal for her and the house. She went to have her stitches out and even the vets were surprised with how well she is doing! She is still a clutz and that makes me worry, like is she going to fall and hurt herself or worse? But that I feel right now is a day by day process. I hope to get a harness soon that will allow me to help her get in and out of my car and with walking her (she has a tendency to get over excited still and pull a lot so). But it is just nice to know that I have this site that gives information on stuff like that and that I have a support network and Maya is thankful too, she has slowed down a tad (not much but enough).

7 thoughts on “An Update (finally)”

  1. So glad to hear Maya is doing well! The recovery period can really be a roller coaster, but it sounds like you’re handling it well. Take your cues from your girl, and you’ll see how amazing life on three legs can be! Give your girl a good belly rub from me!!

    1. Yea we definatly had good and bad days and we still do but I expect that and have a better idea of what to expect and how to help her and me cope with everything! (she recently discovered that messing with the cat is still possible and that was a good day for her 🙂 but not for the cat). And I will she (I’m sure) really appreicates the support and affection and expresses her thanks in the forms of her slobbering kisses!

  2. great news that maya is doing so well – except for the messing with the cat part!!! it’s so nice when you find you have developed a ‘new normal’. hoping for many, many more slobbery kisses!!

    charon & spirit gayle

    1. Oh the cat wasn’t too impressed that she could still persue but Maya was! And there is no shortage of those kisses!! 🙂

  3. Great news for both of you!

    Isn’t it a relief when things seem like they’re going to be OK? I’m betting that by now (I know I’m really late in commenting here!) that Maya is running amok again and showing you that nothing’s gonna stop her from getting around. Just make sure that she doesn’t overdo it, you want to preserve her joints as long as you can.

    And yes, we most definitely are here if you need anything. Keep on sharing her adventures with us, we’d love to hear more.

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