The Begining!

Ok I’m fairly new to this (even though I work at Radioshack and am 23) but I felt it was a good idea to start this because our family just went through a life altering situation. My dog, Maya who is 3, was hit by a speeding truck at 11:30 at night on 12/15/11. She had a broken leg and another wound that scared me a lot. We had to have her leg amputated as this, we felt, was the best option. She has the energy of a lab and to do reconstructive surgery was going to be too much for her to handle. We were able to bring her home on Monday 12/19/11. The next day she walked the 15 feet to my bedroom from the living room. Other wise she hasn’t really moved around all that much. I love her to bits and am happy that she’s alive and home. Yet, there is soo much that I still don’t understand and have to learn about her newest state of being. She’s still my pup and I love that it really hasn’t effected her but any support is good support at this point.

17 thoughts on “The Begining!”

    1. She is! And it is such a relief to know this support group is here because I’m sure even though she can’t read Maya appreciates everything that I learn and am able to use with her to help with her recovery!

  1. Most pups have about a 2 week recovery period and you are deep in the heart of that right now. She will probably start to be a lot more like her old self once she is done with her pain meds and has her stitches/staples out. Our dog was only 15 months at the time of her amp, and about a month later she was back to running (!) at the beach and playing like her old self.

    Hang in there. Hopefully Maya will recover well and start to amaze you. You’ll learn a lot having a tripawd in the family. Dogs are so amazing and adapt so well!

    Welcome to the group – and if you have specific quetsions try posting in the forums – more folks are likely to see your questions there. All the best,
    Jackie, Abby’s mom

    1. Thank-you! And she has been doing wonderful! She still has a hard time with the wood floor but she has always had that problem. Once she had her staples out it was like it never happend and I just can’t believe that she has adjusted so well. It’s just a relief to be able to wake up and see her get up and do her little dance to go out side with me!

  2. Welcome!! Glad to hear Maya is home and doing well.
    She will be tired and groggy for a few days but will start getting around more when off the pain meds. They can make dogs dopey. But I am sure you will be amazed at how well she adjusts to life on 3 legs.
    We would love to see some pictures of Maya!!

    1. Oh yea! She was out of it for almost a week with all the medications we had to give her after getting her home but now that she’s off them and able to move around more with out the stitches its almost like it never happened! And I will definatly get more and more pictures of her up!

  3. Welcome to the club nobody ever wants to join. We’re sorry to hear about Maya, but glad you found us.

    What Maya needs most right now is lots of rest, just giver her time and she’ll be surprising you before you know it. Be sure to check out Jerry’s Required Reading List and post in the forums for lots more advice from members.

    1. I’m glad that this site is here with all the support and resources and everything else! And I have and you guys are the best!

  4. Welcome,
    Just know that most of the time having a pup lose a leg is more traumatic for the owner than it is the dog. My dog lost his front left leg when he was about 6 months old and is now almost 3! He walked the right after surgery and I remember sobbing and feeling like “what decision did i just make…” but know that Harley is still the best swimmer out of all his dog friends and he is ABSOLUTELY normal!

    1. I’m finding that out! It definatly was not as bad as I was expecting but I need a good cry about it still all the stress is slowly coming out wiht everything slowing down. She walked out under her own power with a little support because she was still groggy from the medications but that was then and now she is almost normal, she still doesn’t go too far from the house when we go out because she knows she’s going to get tired and want to lay down and rest, but I can definatly deal with that.

  5. Welcome! We always talk about the 1st two weeks after amputation as being pretty rough. Since Maya was hit, be sure to give her a little extra recovery time, she may not be back to her old self for a month. Lots of naps are good! Can’t wait to see some pictures!

    1. Yea, we noticed that it was slow going with the first week and a half but after that she is now back to her old self (just a tad bit slower). And when I’m not home she does rest a lot but she has always been that way so we just check on her when we’re doing stuff around the house. It was really nice because my Dad was able to stay home with her while I was at work during the day and keep her company.

  6. Poor baby! So sorry you had to find us this way but glad you found us nevertheless. Since Maya is so young, she will probably recover nicely and do really well. What leg did she lose?

    We do love pictures, and we celebrate all kinds of things here so make sure you let us know of any milestone–no matter how small–so we can celebrate with you.


    1. I’m glad that this site is here and the people are super supportive! It’s a real life saver to have everyone tell you the same thing and then see it happen! She lost her right rear leg and is still building up the muscles up in her other leg to compensate (she gets tired easy and won’t walk around for long periods of time but she’ll get there I’m sure). And I plan on it! I’m definatly not taking anything for granted with her ever again or with any of my other pets!

  7. Welcome! So sorry she had to lose her leg that way 🙁 You will be surprised at how well she will adapt to being a tripawd, though. Dakota’s mom is right, we do like to celebrate everything- there’s nothing too small to celebrate. Life’s a gift! Can’t wait to see pictures of your girl!

    Jenna & Spirit Chili DAwg

    1. Yea, it has been a tough holiday season with everything but well worth it! 🙂 And yes she has me just smiling every second I see her (particularly when she’s walking). And I will work on getting pictures of her up!

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